Thursday, January 10, 2008

hmm... today ah? let see what i did today...

thursday morning to school. kyr lecture, thermofluids lecture, off to Daiso get seal blank, went to thermofluids lecture, mechanics lab test...
learned about the steam table reading. so easy yet so hard... grr...
tutorial 6 and the sample test paper... if any of you out there got a qs asking for 'superheated steam degree', take the value frm the qs and then from the steam table!!! made me think so hard just now for about half an hr. until i gave up and asked minn and he laughed non-stop after that. dots...

Reached home at 5.30pm started carving at 6 and end at 8.30pm... i really think the rubber self inking seal i bought it not worth it. why??? its rubber, machine fabricated, the characters are like too perfect. that will make forging an easy task. just type it in a computer and fabricate the stamp with machine!! and that cost me 18 bucks.. the blanks i bought just for 2 bucks each... i got 2 fat square carved out for now. the smaller one still does nothing yet...