Thursday, January 31, 2008

the aquarium has just gotten a little more cramp now with an addition of a dozen of new platty fishes...

today, morning, went to kopitiam had breakfast there. thosai and iced milo...
didnt join the others at school. i didnt want to. just study alone by myself at home for my paper tomorrow because i dont think i can study in peace and comfortably at the school library; looking at previous experiences. at most i will like study there for an hour. no more than that.

im still at juzuk 11... hiaz... nvm, wait and be patient i guess...

The Theme and the Arrangement of The Quran

we are use to reading books which follows a classical pattern. they have a beginning, a middle, and as ending, and they contain information, ideas and arguments on specific subjects developed in a conventional fashion. it is not unnatural for us to expect when we read the Quran, that every subject will be clearly stated and systematically analyzed. similarly we want to find relevant orders ans injunctions on precise form in separate sections

the Quran presents an argument which is completely contrary to our expectations. we find beliefs, precepts, orders, criticism, warnings, promises, arguments, evidence, historical illustrations and references to natural phenomena following in rapid succession without any apparent regard for logic. a problem is discussed again and again in different words and in different ways. subject after argument. not only the audience but the speaker also changes from time to time and the mode of address takes a different turn on each occasion. one rarely gets an indication where one subject concludes and another begins...

37 words

free Touch typing

wat a slowpoke i am at typing.....

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

yeah went back to IJC. just went in without procedures of such. all you needa do is go thru the gate. went straight to the music room. i can still recall where the heck it is. thought i was late. now it seems the sch premises kinda tiny if compared to my school, SP. wahahahaha err like duh, its a polytechnic with students of thousands unlike jc with at most a thousand each time...

rehearsed that basket solo piece. getting sick of it. but if come to think of it, i got in to tele because of that piece. hmm... here's the telecast thingy made last year...

这是一真正地令人疲劳的天为我今天钓鱼去香蕉吉他实践, 一些编辑, 一个朋友失踪, 烹调我自己的食物 。。 泄密。。 err think my Chinese sux big time really. hahaha.....

here's a post from exactly last year. 30 Jan 07

January 30


results out next week. dat is like its jus hiding in some corner now. the heat can already be felt now. well, i heard it will be out then. not sure if who is rite. my classmates are already making a guess of wat they might get. i really don't feel confortable. i had 3 nightmares about me failing it n can't get to anywhere. i didn't really study for it. haiz...
meanwhile, JC is ok. should say its great, tremendous, exciting n wadeva thats good. it may seem wasted for me to leave after the 3 months trial but i really think JC is jus not my 'bowl of mee rebus'. its jus too theoretical. i don just study in dat way. im just the visual, practical n theory type. furthermore, i didn't get the subjects i want to do. currently i'm doing arts. i don't mind arts but i don't have much passion in it...

going down to IJC later for some rehearsal thou i'm no longer a student there. haha

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

woke up at 8 and then at 9 and then at 10... well kept snoozing basically. got to the kitchen prepared some breakfast. nothing to prepare actually. mom cooked Thai green curry. i was busy crying then ever since the 1st bite.
after that, off to shopping. for the rare muruku ikan. wahahaha shopping at Sheng Shiong. got a tub of wax instead of spray this month. see how...

Monday, January 28, 2008

err woke up at 9? cant remember.. oh well... went to Daiso get this wooden box and only that. got a seal order. decided to use the wooden box coz to me it looks way better than the generic ready made seal boxes of which is usually made of cardboard covered with fabric and only in green. fraying fabric. so, wooden box. just add some foam and velvet...
went down to the dono wat shop to get some gravel for my aquarium(s). f***ing expensive. 2.50 per kilo. bought 2 and some flakes..

got home sand that seal blank. white by the way. scrapped of the wax with my ruler and something sucky happened. my plastic ruler scratched the stone. WTFs was in my mind. later after that during the transfering process, graphite from my pencil carved the blank. more WTH and WTFs...
i think i re-carved 4 times. FOUR TIMES... that is the 1st time in my carving history a thing like that happened. in the end had no choice had to make everything

sent the pics to my client and he said its ok. thank God. i dont have to go down to Bras Basah to get another blank. anyway

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

found this poem i wrote a year ago. dated 24 Jan 2007


It won’t listen
It doesn’t care
It’s important
Others trash
It’ll succeed
Others trashed
In any way
It doesn’t care
In discrete

another ., less post

Sunday woke up at 10am washed my face i didnt wash up just washed my face cause i wanna do dirty cleaning up of the filthy fish tank water gone all cloudy with fish wastes sunken to the bottom the filter medium in the filter gone all dirty brown which was suppose to be white 2 dead fish decided to use the water left unattended in the pale which was suppose to put to use during the water cut 3 days ago i presumed its de-chlorinated by now

second task was worse all dusty dealing with dirt changing of water pipes already created quite a mess the set for the flower pots was dismantled by the plumbers and was not put back in place i didnt expect them to do that also its not part of their rice bowl cleaned up 3 yrs worth of dirt that was encapsulated under the pot stands dusty dusty with dirt flying around and a very windy morning cool breeze but its not helping at all papers fliers bits of plastic wrappers of sorts found the main pot stand built by gramps hastily 6 yrs ago still stands only now its tilting to one side just add some triangle braces to strengthen the going to collapse stand too lazy to build another one anyway the stand is still standing to this day though its built out of pine spruce and cedar now that i know they are expensive woods used in great guitars i just wanna puke because the whole stand is made up of those

OK had nasi goreng kampong for brunch and online no new mail

earlier this morning chat with old friends most of them become busier lately no time to keep in touch with exams near or already in the holiday period

trombone quartet playing my fav piece by Bach

Saturday, January 26, 2008

tiring day man this saturday or whatever you call this day start with yesterday nite went out reached home around 12AM have to wake up extra early on saturday coz contractors were coming down to fix in new water pipes to the whole row of units in my block 3 days ago they came down to fix the main water pipes so two days or really early mornings and no tap water during the day time until 6 in the evening actually to think of it its not realy that bad save water along the process mom filled water into the washing machine for washing the dishes and i filled a water pale for businesses in the toilet put to use when nature calls

next was the usual routine MCO in the morning but abit different a performance at MCC in between MCO and my guitar lesson which meant i have to sacrifice my weekly catching up on lost sleeping hours letting my brain process informations been doing that for ages now without that sleep im more cranky red eyes back hurts cant concentrate and speaking of concentration i cant seem to do what i read in the scores during the performance my eyes cant seem to focus and unable to read ahead fingers were like defying jumbled up signals sent from my brain or maybe the signals were not even readable corrupted or with tonnes of sampling errors

guitar class was like usual learned that my apegios was abit uneven which is a big deal coz i plan to enter a competition this coming Dec if nothing real huge happens

this week also feel kinda wierd or elated or in disbelief im not really sure something i prayed for actually came true
have to thank God for that

Friday, January 25, 2008

thermo was thermionic. the hall was filled with cold air. air that was cooled by the massive central air conditioners. taking out the heat from air within the building and rejecting the heat to the atmosphere. my seat was in the way of the rushing cold air from the air converters. not even my sweater could protect me from the reminiscing cold air. my hands shivered, teeth started to make noise. thus wasn't able to write well. the roller of my roller ball pen ran all over and i wasn't able to concentrate. panicked. muscles became numb. my average sized handwriting became huge. for that moment suddenly i felt i had sinus. in real life i dont. not long after biting thru my paper, a qs came to my mind, "how the hell my classmates take this mad freezing temperature with their thin short sleeved t-shirts, 3/4 pants and flipflops??" .....

Thursday, January 24, 2008

morning, put my kyr notes into my bag thinking its thermofluids lecture notes and tutorials. left my jacket in my bag for whatever reason i do not know. halfway to sch, realised i didnt bring my writting materials along..... reached sch library, attemped the past papers. borrowed a pencil frm Gaffy. cant even do a qs. the formulas were like lost. unable to get files frm my head... so to conclude the trip to the library just now wasnt fruitfull at all..... dots...
reached home all sleepy. took a nap frm 3 to 6... gonna study later. mug or cramping rather... formula based subject... its tmr morning.....

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

blundered in my video...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

erased 2nd and carved 6th carve on it.

maths paper just now was err... haha

Monday, January 21, 2008

went to school. no lesson. just went to practice some maths with Gaffy Gaffbucket and with some others at main library... implicit differenciation, substitution integrals, delta, blah blah blah. and its tmr!!! argh...
went to thin up me hair. yeay!! haha
the betok jump out of the tank. found it on the floor when i reached home. still alive and put back to safety...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

erased my 1st carve and the 4th carve. on the same stone. the 4th carve had the 印 kinda off... and i conclude my negative carve sucks. im better at positive carvings. wahaha... now i like this one more. but the one i made for Gerald. waaa dat was really precise considering the blank size damn small...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

school com corrupted one whole long tutorial in my thumbdrive and not forgetting the backup files too...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

the ink wont stick

repaired my bedroom fan. i tought the condenser was faulty, no longer able to provide enough torque for start up. but i was wrong!!! after further examination, found the shaft cant even move freely... sounds easy to fix isnt it? WRONG!!!
there are 2 bearings for the shaft. oiled the front one. didnt budge either. so i took the motor apart. finally saw the other bearing. stuck. oiled it then. assemble the fan again. and came back to life..... how exciting

wahaha just finished carving another seal with the small seal blank i had in stock...
dont know how much i shld charge for carving ancient calligraphy positive style... wahahahaa

Saturday, January 12, 2008

dots ah...
ok found a really good place to get my stuff for my new hobby. though not a great place to get stone blanks... the knives, hmm... the lowest priced one around 2 bucks... can lar... haha...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

hmm... today ah? let see what i did today...

thursday morning to school. kyr lecture, thermofluids lecture, off to Daiso get seal blank, went to thermofluids lecture, mechanics lab test...
learned about the steam table reading. so easy yet so hard... grr...
tutorial 6 and the sample test paper... if any of you out there got a qs asking for 'superheated steam degree', take the value frm the qs and then from the steam table!!! made me think so hard just now for about half an hr. until i gave up and asked minn and he laughed non-stop after that. dots...

Reached home at 5.30pm started carving at 6 and end at 8.30pm... i really think the rubber self inking seal i bought it not worth it. why??? its rubber, machine fabricated, the characters are like too perfect. that will make forging an easy task. just type it in a computer and fabricate the stamp with machine!! and that cost me 18 bucks.. the blanks i bought just for 2 bucks each... i got 2 fat square carved out for now. the smaller one still does nothing yet...

Monday, January 07, 2008

got my seal today wahaha
now that i got a hang of integration, i forgot how to diffentiate... dots ah.....
exams so near liao sianz ah 3 papers like 30 papers workload.....

Friday, January 04, 2008


math lecture was 4 hours as usual. dozed off for 30 mins. think thats usual too. integration is anti-defferentiation yet it derivative still needed in integration workings. how fun.....

went up the hill to hand up kyr group assignment. in return, i was kinda late for friday. no other choice than to go to sultan mosque. if i were to head to marsiling, chances are i will pop up in the middle of sermon and pray outside the mosque building. hate that. so, sultan mosque then.

sms bro kh before that. asked him out shopping at sim lim. came 45 mins later. while waiting for him to pop, went window shopping at fu lu shou. found strings and seal. wahaha i want a seal!!! wahaha soon soon i hope weeeee.....

tricked kh. wahaha i went thru the backdoor of sim lim... i didnt get anythin frm sim lim thou. just window shop and follow kh all over...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

watch this ghost video