ok steam boat was nice, vadai, jemput2, kueh and all... great movies on tv... but this one thing has been troubling me for ages now. see, im the eldest cousin. me 18 next closest age is 14 then 12, 9, 5, 3, 1, 1.... see my problem?? i have another problem. im in the lowest hierarchy in the family. im an uncle to nobody yet for now and i have uncles aunts or even the rank of grandparents who are younger than i am. some as young as 5 yrs old... what to call them? hello uncle how do you do your 6th birthday coming in 2 days..... honestly i dont bother addressing their ranks when they are younger than i am by alot. one year may sound little. but if i twist the definition of ONE YEAR, to me its 365 days. and that is just a year. what about 2 years or 3 or 10?? recalling my experience and my other fellow ex classmates of being in sec5. taking O levels together with the sec4 ppl. that 1 year of gap is like the earth and the sky. in any cases where there was a need to mix classes for lessons, often the sec5s and the sec4s wouldnt understand comprehend what each other was trying to convey. the communication was like between a hen and a duck... all i wana say is, SIANZ you know that?
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